Retail partnerships grow a brand's reach and mutually increase foot-traffic

Client - Contractor X Webflow Template
E-commerce companies needing more foot traffic
Location - Contractor X Webflow Template
Surface Area - Contractor X Webflow Template
Services - Contractor X Webflow Template
Omni-Channel Growth

About the project

After operating a mostly digital signup funnel, many companies expand into in-person operations to convert and activate more drivers. In-person retail is a success , but there were a few limitations and considerations to make before doing so

  • Customer Discovery: One challenge was figuring out how to encourage customers to find the physical location
  • Integration of Operations: There can be a need to seamlessly integrate two store stores without disrupting the parent store's ongoing operations.
  • Location and Employee Commute: Another difficulty was determining where to locate and hiring employees who could comfortably commute to these locations.
  • Developing Interaction Model: The task of developing an interaction model and an in-store upsell relationship between Uber and Sprint employees, who hadn't previously worked together, posed a significant challenge.

Actions Taken:

  • Co-Marketing for Awareness: Brands can create awareness by merging store locators and creating Google Business pages for locations to drive foot traffic.
  • In-Store Construction: Buildouts need to be undertaken in adjacent spaces to preserve store experience while integrating retail partners as a side-by-side brand without overwhelming Sprint's current shoppers.
  • Location Strategy: The location strategy involved overlaying store coverage maps with location data of where drivers lived. This ensured that stores are selected in neighborhoods that were convenient for drivers and would attract the necessary foot traffic to make the partnership beneficial.
  • Upsell Mechanism: Uber and Sprint employees worked together to figure out how the upsell would work.


  • Increased Line Activations and Foot Traffic for Sprint: Retail partnerships result in an increase in sales per store per week at participating stores.
  • Expanded Footprint: Companies can expand footprint rent-free, setting up stores in an asset-light fashion to reach almost any  population. \
  • Improved Customer Proximity: The partnership addressed this issue effectively by making the commute more convenient.
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